Longi HiMo6 HTB 430W All Black Mono

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Quantity:Longi's all black Hi-MO 6 430W improves power generation capacity providing a great power to size ratio and excellent performance - achieving 22% efficiency. The product family is suitable for both residential and C&I rooftop systems.
The Hybrid-Passivated Back Contact (HPBC) cells not only deliver fantastic efficiency but, because they have a back-contact design, there are no visible busbars on the front of the panel. This feature makes these panels some of the blackest-looking black panels on the market.
Key features:
- Market-leading Reliability - Hi-MO 6 pioneers the adoption of full back welding technology to effectively improve the resistance to micro cracking of modules.
- Outstanding Performance- Hi-MO 6 improves power generation capacity greatly with comprehensive upgrade of HPBC cells and modules.
- Aesthetic Appearance - Hi-MO 6 simplifies the complexity and redefines the aesthetic concept of photovoltaic module.
Longi Solar is one of the largest silicon producers in the world and a specialist in mono-crystalline cell and panel manufacturing.
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