Huawei Fusion solar LUNA battery storage systems

Huawei's systems are compatible with their optimisers, carry a 10-year warranty, as well as 100% depth of discharge. They also offer a superb app, with a level of user interface that you'd expect from a consumer tech giant.
You can find out more by booking onto a webinar (or seeing one of the previous ones) here. Be sure to check out the videos and the quick start guides prior to installation. You can also book training in person at this link -
Ask your account handler about on-site support on first installations. Also, be sure to download the Fusionsolar commissioning app before going to site: Android version or Apple version
Do also check out Huawei's range of three-phase inverters for commercial systems.
Huawei has developed a user friendly Smart Design tool to help customers in designing and optimising PV Projects in Residential as well as C&I segments, utilising the Huawei product range.
For Huawei support, please see our Technical Support page.
Need to find a G98 / G99 / G100 certificate? Click here to see our guide on how to find them!