Fastensol Flat Tile Roof Hook (Landscape) - TH02A

To fit, a few tiles are removed from the outside of the roof and the hook secured to a rafter pointing 'downhill' with the tek screws provided. Plywood padding can be used to ensure the correct spacing from the tile surface. The tiles are then replaced around the hook. A weatherproof finish can best be achieved using flashing or the Genius Solarflash. Some installers also use Hookstops.
System features and specifications:
- Suitable for pitched and flat roofs
- Cladding type: flat / plain / rosemary / biscuit / peg tiles (other roof mounts also available)
- Maximum slope: 60 degrees
- Wind load: up to 60m/s
- Snow load: 2.0kn/m2
- Maximum building height: 20m
- Material: stainless steel
- Colour: silver
- Warranty: 12 years durability on material, 5 years on finish
- Manufacturer: Xiamen Fasten Solar Technology Co., Ltd